The East London Mosque Trust (ELMT) warmly welcomes hirers and their guests. If you have any queries about this agreement, or require any assistance, please contact the Bookings Team on
Call to prayer: The London Muslim Centre (LMC) and the Maryam Centre (MC) are religious buildings, part of the East London Mosque complex. The call to prayer (adhan) is broadcast over the speaker system shortly before each prayer. The Bookings Team can advise if your booking is at one of these times.
Company banners, stalls, leaflets, publications, advertisements or other items have to be requested separately. There are designated spaces which can be allocated by staff.
The ELMT reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking, including those that:
may present a threat to public disorder
may promote or incite hatred or violence against others
may risk alienating the ELM T’s beneficiaries or supporters
may bring the ELM T into disrepute
may cause offence to other users or disrupt other activities of the ELMT
may breach the ELMT Equality & Diversity Policy
may breach the ELMT Event and Speakers Policy
The ELMT does not have to give any reason for refusing a booking.
Bookings are granted based on the details provided by the hirer, and may be refused or later cancelled by the ELMT if details given are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.
A provisional booking will only be confirmed once the initial payment has been received, and a member of booking staff have approved on the system.
In the event of any variation of use by the hirer or failure to comply with the requirement of full disclosure, the ELMT reserves the right to cancel the booking, which will still be liable to any retention.
Hall hire deposit: a deposit of £750 is required for hire of the halls, which must be paid at least 14 days before the date that has been booked. The deposit will be returned to you by BACS transfer, less any penalty charges (see 5.8), no more than 21 days after the date that has been booked. If the penalty charges exceed the amount of the deposit, you will be invoiced for the balance.
Penalty charges: you will be charged for:
damage (see 8.1 and 8.2)
additional cleaning our support staff have to undertake which should have been done by the caterer (see 7.3 and 7.4)
other costs incurred by the ELMT as a result of any breach of contract by the hirer
Penalty charges will be deducted from the deposit. If the penalty charges exceed the amount of the deposit, you will be invoiced for the difference.
In the event of any cancellation or termination of the hiring no liability shall fall upon the ELMT, or any officer of the ELMT, in respect of any loss sustained or expenses incurred by the hirer, or any other person, as result thereof.
If the hirer cancels after the booking has been confirmed by the ELMT, the hirer shall be liable to the ELMT for any costs, expenses and losses incurred by the ELMT. Depending on when the notice of cancellation is received, a percentage of the total charge will be retained by the ELMT.
Refunds of charges, less any retention, will be made within 21 days of cancellation.
Caterers: If you wish to use a caterer, the ELMT requires valid certificates for their:
Health & safety
Food & hygiene
Public liability.
These documents must be submitted before the approval of the event. The ELMT may decide not to give approval for the caterer, and does not have to give reasons for withholding approval.
Oil and other waste must not be poured down sinks or into drains.
Hirers and organisers of activities in the ELMT are responsible for ensuring that their noise levels do not disturb other activities within the building.
The London Muslim Centre and Maryam Centre are religious buildings, part of the East London Mosque complex. Hirers should ensure that all guests are dressed modestly. More detailed guidance is available from the Events Team.
Shorts are not allowed for either men or women.
See through/revealing and low cut clothing is not permitted.
Visiting the Mosque: non-Muslims guests wishing to visit the Mosque should do so only by arrangement with the Events Team. The main prayer hall can be observed from the Visitor Centre. Guests who have arranged to go inside the prayer halls must take their shoes off at the entry point. Inside the prayer halls women should wear a headscarf; scarves are available from the Events Team.
The consumption of alcoholic drinks is strictly forbidden. No alcoholic drinks should be brought into the LMC or MC.
All food brought into the LMC or MC or consumed therein must be Halal.
Hall hirers, guests and members of the public obliged at all times to fully comply with the ELMT Health & Safety Policy; a copy is available on request.
It is illegal to smoke anywhere in the LMC or MC.
Vaping/E-cigarettes may not be used anywhere in the LMC or MC.
This Agreement shall be governed by English Law and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
Notwithstanding any other provisions herein contained noting in this Agreement for Hire confers or purports to confer any right to enforce any of its terms pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 on any person who is not party hereto.
The East London Mosque Trust (ELMT) warmly welcomes hirers and their guests. If you have any queries about this agreement, or require any assistance, please contact the Bookings Team on